Vue and React
Hi all!
I am a Vue.js ecosystem web dev, with 3+ more experience in Vue.js.
I have started the tutorials of React.js with Mosh which explains very very well the library, and if it would be to compare the two so far, I would say the following.
Note: as probably all of you know, Vue.js is a JS framework library, while React.js is a JS UI library, so the comparison is not for the .js libraries themselves, but for the ecosystems that they introduce.
React favor way more JS writing style, and I found it very pleasant (with Vue composition API they started to get closer again to more JS style).
The JSX syntax if handled correctly by IDE is really no block, seems pretty natural.
React favors by default Component Composition which is a strong point.
React feels somehow lighter at the beginning and on "manual mode".
State management in React with Redux is indeed hard to set up and feels a bit unnatural, compared with Vuex which is like a breeze.
Routing in Vue with Vue Router feels so normal, it allows you to do exactly what you wanna do, especially with meta (for routes auth) and hooks. React router is more cumbersome.
Performance is pretty similar in both env if u follow the good patterns and practices.
Vue composition using slots and named slots compensate the React composition approach.
Vue plugin is wow: you can literally create for example an entire Login page with HTML and styling and Vuex store connector. Then all it needs is adding it to Vue, just and to the router (although this also can be specified in the plugin specs) and create a BackEnd route like '/api/login'. It just gives you access to the core of Vue.
Conclusion: I just love them both, there is no excuse now not to work properly :)
PS: thanks for "watching" this!